Trusted Insight

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Who Do You Trust?


My name is Joe Omansky.  I created a hedge fund rating system about seven years ago called SkyRank.  SkyRank is an unbiased, patented process now rating 12,000 hedge funds worldwide.  It is used by thousands of investors, hedge funds, and service providers.

Over the past two years, I've become increasingly infatuated, intrigued, exhilarated, and excited about social media and its potential positive implications for the world.  I tweet, blog, and make introductions to people I know online, and while most people in the alternative investment space still don't, I predict they will in a big way soon.  We'll be right here to help them when they do.  For me, it's been thrilling, and I've made several real life friends by "following" thought leaders online.

I recently joined Trusted Insight and am helping the company build its new product, community, and culture.  We're not only building your "Trusted Network" in the alternative investments space, but we're also building a place that we as employees can call home.  We want a place to work that we enjoy with positive energy, trust between ourselves as colleagues and between our users also.

Trusted Insight strives to be what it states in its name: an online resource for alternative investments and their investors to provide each other with the "trusted insight" they need around their investing activities.  The house is built, but the paint is still drying.  In other words, any great company needs to understand what its users really want, and Trusted Insight is doing a good job going through those exercises of listening to its users to make slight modifications to deliver to them what they want.  Shortly, Trusted Insight 2.0 will be released and we'll continue improving for our users.  Hopefully, the process of continuously tweaking and improving our product will never change.  Feel free to let us know what you think of the existing site and the new one when it is released, and what you would like to see.  We value your feedback.

I believe in what Trusted Insight is building.  I believe in a trusted online resource for the private alternative investment industry.  And, above all, I believe in trust, honesty and openness in an industry that has lacked those qualities in the past.

Thank you for your time, and I'll see you online.