Trusted Insight

Thursday, December 2, 2010

An Online World That Includes Fund Raising

The world of capital-raising is not immune to the paradigm shifts of rapid economic change.  Having a corporate job used to mean your job and pension were secure.  Not anymore.  Buying a known fund used to be a safe investment.  Not anymore.  And, in capital-raising, conventional offline strategies used to be sufficient.  No longer.

For investors and managers, online media have opened new markets.  Global capital centers are bound together by a network of online marketplaces.  These markets have embraced social media as new venues for marketing, networking and structuring deals.  The web has also opened new geographies for capital-raising.  Despite traditional views, we are seeing first hand hundreds of funds and investors interacting online, exchanging views and expressing interest on deals.  Most notably, we find a new generation of high-net worth individuals, family offices and small and large investors alike to a large degree in emerging markets, but also in other areas, sharing online.

The realm of capital-raising has changed.  There are many technological tools which help a fund to manage their time and increase efficiencies that were not available even five years ago.  By taking the time to think through a complete capital-raising strategy, offline AND online, a company or fund can significantly influence its future success. 

Are you covering all your markets, including the array of new markets, investment opportunities and investors?  Are marketing strategies and fund raising methods engaging or passive?  Are you utilizing technology to reach all investors across the globe?  By reviewing your current capital raising strategy and ensuring you are doing everything in your power to utilize online resources, you can increase your fund’s potential for success.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about our "network".  As Joe mentioned in his previous interactions, we want to hear from you, because your ideas and experiences are of utmost importance to what we do. 

Sophie Pompea